I released a report about selling content sites for profit over a month ago and since then everyone who has read that report has gone nuts over it! They didn't know how simple it was to create simple content sites to resell for profits.
In this guide I'm going to show you how to not only get your sites listed in Google and MSN in the top 10 for $9 (now $5) but also how to sell these sites for insane profits as well.
This is my favorite way to make some instant cash or simply create adsense sucking content sites.
This is not a new method, but it is also a method a lot of people neglect to use. Why? I Don't know, it really, really works.
I've gotten top 10 listings for keywords that have well over 1,000,000 competing searches.
It's not hard at all. In fact it requires about 15 minutes of your time and a simple investment of as little as $9. (now selling at $5)
So what does the method involve?